Mikhail Koviazin

Mikhail Koviazin

Senior Full-Stack Web Developer

Hey! Looking for skilled web developer?

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About me

"personal": {
"name": "Mike",
"age": 28
"education": {
"degree": "Master's in Software Development",
"university": "Harbin Institute of Technology"
"skills": {
"frontend": ["ReactJS", "Redux", ...10 more]
"backend": ["NodeJS", "Express", "MongoDB", "ApifySDK", ...5 more]
"common": ["JavaScript", "TypeScript", "AWS", "Git"]

Hi there! My name is Mike, I'm 28 years old. Starting from childhood I learnt to program, obtained Master degree in Software Development and now working as Senior Full-Stack Web Developer.

I'm making life easier for the last 9 years, developing tools and services for people in wide variety of areas and tech-stacks. Most of my projects are targeting on saving time, automating routine and collecting web data. Already helped to save thousands of man-hours and will do the same for you.

My strongest skills are Web Scraping, Web Automation and Browser Extensions but also working on common web services and apps. I prefer to use React and NodeJS for delivering the best user experience.

What I'm doing?

Web Scraping
Web Scraping

Collect and process large amount of data from any Internet sources - websites, forums, online stores:

  • Monitor Amazon bestseller products
  • Collect Instagram post comments
  • Export LinkedIn profiles to CRM

and others.

Contact me
Web Scraping
Web Automation

Automate thousands routine actions on the various websites:

  • Send unique personalized messages on Facebook
  • Leave comments under selected Instagram posts
  • Connect all employees of company on LinkedIn

and others.

Contact me
Web Scraping
Browser Extensions

Augment browsing experience and provide new possibilities:

  • Shopping helpers - compare prices, apply coupons
  • Add blocks of data from database or other website
  • Connect all employees of company on LinkedIn

and others.

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